17 January 2009

Let my blog begin.....

It seemed like a good day to begin this blog since the projects began today too. And I am too tired to do much else after a looooong day of shoveling and raking. I'll introduce myself and let you know a bit more about us and the motivations behind this endeavor later on. But let's jump in with today!
Thank goodness for Denver and 60 degree days in January. Thank goodness for Craigslist. Yesterday Andy dropped off ten 100 gallon bags of leaves otherwise destined for the landfill. And today sweet Monika (from Switzerland) and her husband dropped of a 12x6x4 foot trailer of horse manure. Just the recipe I needed to make a giant Lasagna style bed in the front yard. Our plan is to plant squash, pumpkins, corn and sunflower in it this summer. Later, I might like to enlarge it and add some perennials, fruiting shrubs and ornamental grasses to extend the seasonal interest. But, for now, I am looking forward to a bumper crop of summer and fall produce. Getting a head start in January is great for us.

We will be in France during part of April and May, so everything was to be prepped and ready to go . I imagine stepping of the plane the first week of June and heading straight to Paulinos to pick up veggies. Seriously, I have missed gardening so much during the past 4 years. The 6 weeks we are gone will be well spent. We plan to cover the beds with 2 mil clear plastic using a technique called Solarization. When we return, all of the organic material should be fully composted and all of the weed seeds, insects and potential pathogens should be long gone. And the soil will be toasty warm for planting legumes du soleil.
We feel quite accomplished with the days work. Half the poop has already been processed. Now mother nature just has to do her part.